Birds 2008
Photos of good birds taken in Rhode Island in 2008.
Black-headed Gull
Over the docks of Galilee in Narragansett.

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Dec-05-2008

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Dec-05-2008
Redhead Duck
On Trustom Pond, Trustom Pond NWR, South Kingstown.

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Nov-10-2008
Vesper Sparrow
In South Kingstown.

Photo by Carlos Pedro Nov-2-2008
Marbled Godwit
This Marbled Godwit spent a few weeks on the tidal flats of Ninigret Pond in Charlestown. It may be the same bird that was present in the same time-frame last year.

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Sep-19-2008
American Avocet
This American Avocet spent a few days on the tidal flats of Ninigret Pond in Charlestown.

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Aug-22-2008
Red-necked Phalarope
There were a few Red-necked Phalarope sightings on the tidal flats of Ninigret Pond in Charlestown within a span of about two weeks.

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Aug-10-2008

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Aug-10-2008
Wilson's Phalarope
On August 9'th two phalarope species were seen on the tidal flats of Ninigret Pond in Charlestown, a Red-necked Phalarope and this Wilson's Phalarope.

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Aug-09-2008
Sandwich Tern
Sandwich Terns are becoming annual in RI. This Sandwich Tern was discovered at Third Beach in Middletown on the 5'th of July .

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Jul-05-2008

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Jul-05-2008
Western Willet
Willets are a common breeding shorebird in coastal RI, but members of the western breeding population rarely show up in RI, especially while they're in breeding plumage. This breeding-plumage Western Willet spent a few days on the tidal flats of Ninigret Pond in Charlestown.

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Jul-04-2008
Royal Terns
Several Royal Terns were seen in RI in 2008. These two were part of a flock of five that were roosting on the west delta area of Ninigret Pond on July 3'rd.

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Jul-03-2008
Black Skimmer
This is a good time of year to find a wandering Black Skimmer in RI. This one was seen on Ninigret Pond in Charlestown.

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Jun-28-2008
This normally pelagic bird was swimming in the channel of Point Judith Pond. These photos were taken from Jerusalem.

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Jan-31-2008

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Jan-31-2008

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Jan-31-2008

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Jan-31-2008
Rough-legged Hawk
Several Rough-legged Hawks have traveled south this winter. During the South Kingstown Christmas Bird Count held on December 22, 2007, a remarkable 9 individuals were recorded. Throughout the winter, two or three were seen regularly hunting over the fields between Trustom Pond and Moonstone Beach. This dark-morph Rough-legged Hawk was photographed from Moonstone Beach.

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Jan-29-2008
Red Crossbill
The good winter finch year continues. 16 Red Crossbills were in the pines at the Succotash Management Area in Jerusalem on Jan-26-2008.

Photo by Carlos Pedro Jan-26-2008
King Eider
This King Eider was seen regularly at the Camp Cronin Fishing Area in Narragansett from Jan-23-2008 through Mar-20-2008.

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Jan-23-2008
Tufted Duck
A drake Tufted Duck was seen periodically on the East Providence (Turner) Reservoir in East Providence from Jan-21-2008 through Mar-3-2008.

Photo by Pat Molloy Jan-23-2008
Iceland Gull
One or two Iceland Gulls were seen regularly in Galilee during the winter.

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Jan-23-2008
Photo taken in Galilee, Jan-23-2008.

Photo by Paul L'Etoile Jan-23-2008
Photo taken in Galilee, Jan-16-2008.

Photo by Michelle St. Sauveur Jan-16-2008
Common Redpoll
Common Redpolls along with other irruptive northern birds have been showing up throughout New England this winter. This photo was taken at Beavertail State Park in Jamestown, Jan-16-2008.

Photo by Michelle St. Sauveur Jan-16-2008
Red-headed Woodpecker
Rhode Island is on the eastern edge of this specie's range, so they only occasionally stray into the state. This juvenile was found at a private feeder in Tiverton on Jan-12-2008, and it was seen regularly throughout the winter.

Photo by Mike Tucker Jan-13-2008